The transformation of paintings

Dust, grime, stains, and nicotine that settle on the surface of the painting can only be dissolved from the surface with special compounds. Testing of several solvents provides the most effective method is chosen. If the painting is covered by decades of dirt, the fine details of the artwork will disappear and the previously fresh landscape or still life may seem dull and blurry before cleaning. The removal of surface dirt from the painted surface can have a notable effect on the appearance of the painting.

Nicotine contamination on the cotton swab

With landscapes, it can lead to a loss of spatial perspective when shades of original colours blur due to deposited dirt and discolored varnish.

Cleaning a portrait can reveal the true essence and character, allowing their personality to shine through.

The left side has been cleaned compare it to the untouched right side

After the cleaning I apply the conservation grade, UV resistant and non-yellowing varnish on the surface to ensure the protection of the painting.